At Belgrave, we help children learn from religions as well as about religions. Through the study of Christianity, Judaism, and other major world religions, the children will be encouraged to develop knowledge, understanding and respect for people’s beliefs. Children will also be encouraged to learn about other faiths including Buddhism and the Bah'ai faith alongside the belief system of Humanism. 


Religious education should enable children to:-

  • Develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity, Judaism, and other world religions (from  Key Stage One) including Islam and Hinduism. Develop respect for other people, their beliefs and their lifestyles.
  • Reflect upon their own experiences of happiness, fear, anger etc. to help develop their understanding of religion.
  • Develop an understanding of religious traditions.
  • Look and the world with an inquisitive and unbiased perspective.


Strategies for the teaching of Religious Education to fulfil aims:

  • Children will be given the opportunity to encounter religious beliefs and traditions, and respond through open ended and differentiated tasks.
  • All children will be encouraged to explore their own beliefs and values.
  • Although Religious Education is taught discretely on a weekly basis, cross curricular links are used where appropriate. 

Religious Education is taught following the ‘Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2019’. All activities are based around the two attainment targets, AT1 – ‘Encountering Religion (learning about religion)’, and AT2 – ‘Responding to Religion (learning from religion)’.

At Foundation Stage, Religious Education focuses on Christianity, and at KS1 the programme follows Christianity ,Judaism and Islam.

At KS2 the programme builds on the units on Christianity, Judaism and Islam and introduces children to Sikhism, Hinduism and other World faiths. .

Opportunities to encounter religion will be given through reading, listening to stories, discussion, looking at pictures, visiting churches, visitors , handling artefacts, and drama. Responding to religion will be encouraged by sharing thoughts and experiences, by role-play and Art.

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Belgrave Primary School, Five Ashes Road, Westminster Park, Chester CH4 7QS

Tel: 01244 421332 | Email:

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